Jun 11, 2009

It is hard for me to believe that this little guy is already 5 years old.
We had a huge birthday party for him on Sunday, but I have yet to get the pictures up. He had so much fun with all his friends. It is a funny thing, him being 5, it's been really hard for me to realize he is growing up. No longer is it just a matter of me just caring for him, but teaching him so much too now. He is smart, yet there is so much he doesn't know yet. Like how to relate with groups of friends. Who would have known that kindergartners have "girlfriends", or that there is intense peer pressure at this age. How am I ever going to handle his teen years if I have to deal with this stuff now? He is no longer my baby, but he is still my precious gift from God, and with His help, Ryan will grow up to be a respectful, God-fearing man. (I pray).

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