Dec 29, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Seasons Greetings to all our friends!

Well, I suppose I haven't been so great at keeping this blog up to date, thanks, Marcy for the nudge to update. I've been keeping most of my stuff on Facebook and, frankly, just haven't had the time to put this all up, but thanks to Christmas vacation, now I've done it. I didn't send out Christmas cards, this year, so I'll share somethings about us now.

Our year has been a very blessed one without out any real tragedies or sadness, for which we are very thankful. We started the year in India visiting Cherag's family. It is hard to believe that the trip was really a year ago, we still talk about and miss our family very much. Ryan turned four in June, which we got to celebrate with Grandma and Grandpa. Being four, we got to enroll Ryan in Kindergarten in the fall. He loves it very much and has been asking me everyday since the start of Christmas break when he can go back again. His biggest "accomplishment" this year is that back in October, Ryan asked Jesus to live in his heart. It was such a precious moment, one I will cherish forever, and I am so thankful to God that Ryan is now truly a "little king who has Christ in his heart." (the meaning of his name).

Cherag has had big year in way of his career. He has taken some bigger responsibilities and is in a managing position for his company now. If, you don't know, he works for a small business owner who has IT and recruiting work. Cherag really loves IT and anything related to building and working with computers, but has accepted the challenge of "head hunting" as well. We thank God for this blessing and the fact that this change has brought us one step closer to having our own home.

We've been living with Cherag's parents for over a year now, and it has been going great. Ryan loves being close to his Papa and Granny. And we have enjoyed being with them as well. I am still driving a school bus, but tried my very best to change that through the summer. But, the Lord know best and saw fit to keep me where I am for now. It works out great. I am home in time to put Ryan on the bus in the mornings, and of course, he rides with me in the afternoon.
As a side "job" I've taken up cake decorating and have a few returning clients. I've also started hosting children's cake decorating birthday parties. It's been fun and something I've found out I really enjoy doing.

We are so thankful that this year has brought us so much closer as a family and closer to God. We are thankful for our little boy, who shows an obvious love for God and others. We couldn't feel more blessed going into this new year. All the best to your families in the start of 2009.


Shyrna, Cherag & Ryan